Divorce Law
Our role in divorce proceedings is to try and help couples reach fair and reasonable terms to part ways with each other. There are a lot of different interests to consider with any divorce, but these the things we pay close attention to:
Pension fund interests
Immovably property & mortgage bonds
Credit card and similar debts
Shares and investments
Claims in terms of the accrual system
Parenting plans regulating care and contact with minor children
Educational & medical expenses
Spousal maintenance
We try to provide fixed-fee services whenever possible, thereby giving our clients cost certainty.
If divorce proceedings drag on for too long, it further damages the relationship between the parties. This can have a negative long-term impact on minor children and the prospects of a settlement being reached.
How much will my divorce cost?
Uncontested divorces
An all-inclusive fee of between R15,000.00 to R20,000.00, inclusive of all expenses.
A cost estimate is presented after our first consultation. We only provide a cost estimate at that stage as we then have a better idea of the scope of the work that needs to be done.
An uncontested divorce is when both spouses are already in agreement as to how they wish to part ways with each other. We simply formalise your wishes in a formal settlement agreement and help you with all the legal formalities.
Contested divorces
We fee in accordance with our prevailing hourly rate in contested matters. Contact us to find out what our current prevailing rate is.
Sometimes, due to variety of factors, it's not possible for spouses to come to an agreement as to the terms of their divorce. The matter is then considered a contested divorce and is referred to a court to adjudicate on the issues in dispute.
We always strive to mitigate costs we engaging in settlement discussions or by attempting divorce mediation.