Can You Claim Damages After Hitting a Pothole?
Pothole problems are by no means exclusive to South Africa, but we certainly do seem to have more than our fair share of them.
As a recent High Court decision illustrates, if you suffer any form of loss as a result of a pothole, hold whoever is responsible to account. Sue for your damages!
Installing Home Solar – How to Comply with the Regulatory Requirements
Eskom’s no-end-in-sight loadshedding, rising electricity costs, South Africa’s abundance of sunshine, and the global move to sustainable energy solutions have all contributed to the current boom in home solar photovoltaic (PV) roof installations.
Practical steps to take before starting the divorce process.
Divorce can be a complicated process that will almost certainly take a financial and emotional toll on all parties involved. The emotional and financial strain of a divorce can be managed if you properly plan for it.