Losing Your Property to Acquisitive Prescription
A feature of our law since Roman times, “acquisitive prescription” is a legal process that allows a person to acquire ownership of a property through long-term occupation.
Ombuds - Why and How to Use Them
Ombuds seek to resolve disputes (to the benefit of all parties) fairly, efficiently, and cost-effectively by acting as mediators between complainants and the entity being complained about. Many have the power to make binding “determinations”. Most are free to complainants.
Agreements Not to Sue – Tread Carefully!
An "Agreement Not to Sue" undertakes that one party won't take legal action against another. In other words, it's a way of ensuring that disputes don’t end up in court. You might encounter this type of agreement in many different situations, such as in a business setting, a family dispute, a neighbour dispute, or even between friends.
Can You Claim Damages After Hitting a Pothole?
Pothole problems are by no means exclusive to South Africa, but we certainly do seem to have more than our fair share of them.
As a recent High Court decision illustrates, if you suffer any form of loss as a result of a pothole, hold whoever is responsible to account. Sue for your damages!